Friday, December 18, 2009

Music Christmas Pigs Black Sabbath Is My Boyfriend Being A Pig? Or Am I Just Being Jealous?

Is my boyfriend being a pig? Or am I just being jealous? - music christmas pigs black sabbath

I have a man for 7 years, I love you, but it bothers me now.

So my friend bought me an MP3 player for Christmas because I know he loves music, but a week later I was what you download .. And lo, the only thing they have pictures of naked girls from a gaming site. I asked him about this and he just said sorry, but I do not know why I care about. I put a lot of heart for something (my budget), I knew that I love you! I feel cheated.

I do not think that I am annoyed when she says, in most cases, however, he does not care about this back and "be" for others. Call me silly, but I bought.

So I recently offered him smugly put pictures of me somewhere when you're on the Internet. I hoped that I could for a little pleasure. He liked the idea at first, but now that I have sent them as if they were some kind of burden. I'm pretty sure only to delete it ... and now I feelsilly.

Why do girls have no problem carrying around randomly in the bag at your leisure, but when it comes to pictures .. of me?

I think we share too long for me the most interesting ... and yes, I am very hot.

What do you think?


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