Friday, December 11, 2009

Lupus Pictures More Condition_symptoms Is Aspartame More Dangerous Than We Are Told?

Is aspartame more dangerous than we are told? - lupus pictures more condition_symptoms

Aspartame is filed more complaints with the FDA, as another add-on ever. He is responsible for 75 percent of all complaints the agency receives jurisdiction. From 10,000 consumer complaints, the FDA has been found, a list of 92 symptoms including death.

Not only that, they proved aspartame is fat, has been shown to cause some very serious diseases, not least of which cancer and neurological diseases.
Of course, the marketing geniuses you think it's healthy diet, but the truth paints a very different picture. Over the years, several reports have implicated aspartame in headaches, memory loss, seizures, blurred vision, coma and cancer. It seems to also worsen or mimic the symptoms of diseases such as fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, lupus, diabetes, Alzheimer's, chronic fatigue and depression.
In terms of toxicity to the body of soda is much more dangerous than cannabis. (In fact, THC, or marijuana, when others are eaten, not toxic to the human body)


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