Monday, February 22, 2010

Kate´s Play Who Do You Believe: Jon Or Kate?

Who do you believe: jon or kate? - kate´s play

I'm beginning to believe that Kate is to blame. Jon a publié une déclaration, dit que les enfants "peace out" et se trouve maintenant à la maison, alors que pour elever Kate parle à tous les médias en disant que ce n'est words, the situation in private - who are just at home is, they traveled in this book and be damned W. "The Bodyguard" (which many think it is rare to have a bodyguard?), in little mini skirts and oversized sunglasses (Paris Hilton, much?). You now have the "need" to defend himself in People magazine?

All of this makes sense psychologically. I do not want to offend anyone or make stereotypes and generalizations, but usually people who, not to the hours of W. Many tend to be more ambitious. (as I said, really depends on the person), but think of Kate W. grew a bit like Jon has. Now that all of these Oppurtunities to him what you want or have wanted to grow are met. B / C, which is not accustomed to the effects of material things, money, etc. ... seen anything wrong. That is, if they are motivated by more money, begins W. - is higher today and do nothing to stop more and more.
W. As things now stand, will end up very lonely. In the spirit of Kate, money = power ... even if it means breaking with family and friends - that's where it starts. You lose close friends and family and cut once, the family, you're alone in the world. He probably thinks that the revenues it receives in other words, "living in my family who do not agree, I will hire peoplePLE "But if all that fame, money and power are gone .... your gone .... your family and your friends are gone, and you have no one but themselves.


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